Careers at Rauschenberger

The perfection and coordination of internal workflows make a vital contribution to the quality of our gastronomic services. Our 240 highly motivated employees, including 60 apprentices, are the decisive factor for the success of the Rauschenberger gastronomy group. Our staff guarantee the outstanding quality of our services and cuisine. The company returns the favour by giving its employees a degree of consideration that is far above average, and this treatment of its staff was visibly acknowledged when the firm won the "Top Employer 2014" award.

TopJob Arbeitgeber 2014
Caterer des Jahres 2013 - nominiert
Wir machen mit !

Mission vocational training

Ensuring the quality of our vocational training is a task for every team member of our company. Our common goal is to achieve a high level of agreement between the self-image of Rauschenberger as formulated by the company itself and the educational result achieved. During the training period, we adhere to the following guidelines.

Our academy

Gastronomy is a people business and success in our industry is achieved by having well-qualified employees. This is nothing new. So-called "soft skills" are increasingly being included in professional qualifications. The term "soft skills" refers to the personal characteristics which ultimately make a difference in the way guests perceive a company. In order to meet this demand, we have developed a complementary training and employee development concept, which goes beyond the purely professional. It is especially intended for highly motivated apprentices and junior executives, who, assuming they are suitable, wish to take on leadership responsibility in the future. For this purpose, the following training modules have been compiled and developed.